Moving from wordpress and joomla to hugo Why? Having used both for years, I faced some unsolved issues, slow website rendering, and continuous work to maintain the websites, checking for updates and applying them. Moving from one server to another is painful and sometimes impossible. Then I discovered hugo . A very...
Browsing the windows network from a ubuntu computer is not working out of the box. You have to setup new mounts for every shared folder from windows pc. Let’s assume that you have a Windows pc with one shared folder called “multimedia” and its IP address is “”. Passwordless shares do not work for Linux (in...
If you have installed kubuntu, you won’t find a setting to change the speed of the mouse wheel. So you have to install it. I found this cool tutorial that helped me with that : tutorial First we have to install these two apps : sudo apt install imwheel zenity Then we have to create a new file containing the script...
Moving from windows to kubuntu Linux Why? My reason is simple, I hate Windows 10. Windows 7 is the last best Windows till now. I tried ubuntu, Linux mint but didn’t like the different desktop environments installed by default. And honestly, I broke the system more than once because I didn’t understand how linux worked,...
How to make the Linux keyboard behave like MS french keyboard French users moving from windows to linux will get confused with the keyboard behaviour, when swithcing CAPS lock doesn’t make the first line write numbers as they used to have in windows. I searched a lot in the internet, and from what I understood, linux...
I already have a yunohost server at home and wanted to install an azuracast server on the same machine. I tried it in a VM (virtualbox ), but didn’t work well since both needed the same ports. I also tried with 2 VMs, it’s ok but that required a host machine with a lot of RAM, and every VM will be allocated an amount...
Qu’est ce que l’auto hébergement ? Pour faire court, c’est d’héberger son site Web chez soi au lieu de passer par un hébergeur. Mais pas que ça, vous pouvez héberger plusieurs applications et services, tels que les mails, la synchronisation de vos données (analogue à Google drive), photos (comme Google photos), un...
Le marketing digital envahit notre vie de tous les jours, s’il y a des annonceurs respectueux, y en a qui le sont moins. En fait certains inondent notre navigation de pubs au-dessus, au-dessous, pop-up, etc.. Il existe beaucoup de moyens pour s’en débarrasser, chaque méthode a ses avantages et ses inconvénients. Je...
Il arrive qu’au bout d’un certain temps, que votre serveur vous affiche un message que l’espace disque commence à manquer ou vous remarquez qu’il y a une utilisation anormale de l’espace disque. Vous ne comprenez pas où est cet espace “de trop”. Il suffit de vous connecter à votre serveur en ssh et exécuter la commande...
Après avoir uploadé la vidéo dans le dossier “images/videos” de votre instance joomla, créez un article puis modifiez le code source de cet article et ajoutez le code suivant : <p style="text-align: center;"><video controls="controls" width="640" height="320"> <source src="images/videos/mavideo.mp4" type="video/mp4"...