Moving to hugo

Moving from wordpress and joomla to hugo Why? Having used both for years, I faced some unsolved issues, slow website rendering, and continuous work to maintain the websites, checking for updates and applying them. Moving from one server to another is painful and sometimes impossible. Then I discovered hugo . A very...

Mouse wheel speed in linux

If you have installed kubuntu, you won’t find a setting to change the speed of the mouse wheel. So you have to install it. I found this cool tutorial that helped me with that : tutorial First we have to install these two apps : sudo apt install imwheel zenity Then we have to create a new file containing the script...

Mission : bloquer les publicités

Le marketing digital envahit notre vie de tous les jours, s’il y a des annonceurs respectueux, y en a qui le sont moins. En fait certains inondent notre navigation de pubs au-dessus, au-dessous, pop-up, etc.. Il existe beaucoup de moyens pour s’en débarrasser, chaque méthode a ses avantages et ses inconvénients. Je...