Browsing the windows network from a ubuntu computer is not working out of the box. You have to setup new mounts for every shared folder from windows pc.
Let's assume that you have a Windows pc with one shared folder called "multimedia" and its IP address is "". Passwordless shares do not work for Linux (in fact they are highly not recommended).
- First we have to create a new file containing login details :
sudo nano /root/.windowspc
- We'll add login details :
username=winusername password=winpassword
- Make sure only root access this file :
sudo chmod 400 /root/.windowspc
- Create a new folder where we'll mount the shared folder :
mkdir /media/multimedia
- Add this mount to the startup :
sudo nano /etc/fstab
- Add this line :
// /media/multimedia cifs uid=1000,credentials=/root/.windowspc
- Mount this folder :
sudo mount - a
Now go to your file explorer and open the new network mount.
If you get permission error, you can check the correct uid using this command :