Hmm, moving to grav

07-02-2025 - 1 minute, 18 seconds -
hugo grav cms


I have written a whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiile ago why and how I moved to hugo but since then my blog stopped updating.

Why ?

I have very few time on pc (desktop or laptop) and my projects were eating this time. Blogging using hugo requires a lot of steps on a physical machine even if I tried to use it on mobile, it wasn't that easy to use, plus the updated blog needed to be uploaded everytime a new post is added or any changes occurs on the other posts. The conclusion was : hugo is an excellent static site generator that I will certainly use for other projects but not my blog, I need something I write on it using my phone, upload a photo (not a whole website) and continue my other tasks. You'd say : "use a note taking app then copy-paste your notes when back home!". Yes, I started to use joplin, an excellent PKMS (personal knowledge management system), which will certainly have its own post here, and now have more 50 articles saved in joplin waiting to be published.

How ?

The install was one-clic thanks to yunohost. Searching for the right plugins and the right theme took a long time, some tests and fixes. Moving the content of the blog had to be done by hand, hopefully, I had all the source files still in my netbook and the posts were written in markdown which was convenient for grav (and for me). I will update this post with more details about the tools used.